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This privacy policy describes how Figtree Systems Pty Limited (ABN 15 089 733 291) ("we", "us", "our") manages personal information.


The kinds of personal information we collect and hold.

If you are a customer or customer representative we may collect your name, company, e-mail address, fax number, telephone number, and information about your employment (e.g. place of work, position). If you are an employee we may also collect details for experience, work performance and training. If you use our website we may use a cookie or other digital identifier to record the information you view or download and to recognise you if you make a second or subsequent visit.


We also hold information for our customers. We may have customer collected personal information on our systems. The information varies widely depending on the business of our customers but is likely to relate to their customers, prospective customers and employees.


How we collect and hold personal information

We generally collect personal information relating to our employees and the representatives of customers directly from them at the time of engagement and when we are advised of changes in the information that we hold. We collect online information in real time arising from the use of our online sites.


We hold personal information for our customers when it is uploaded to our systems by the customer and, in some cases, collected by the customer and stored on our systems in the ordinary course of using our systems or the technology and services of our customer. Once we receive personal information we take reasonably appropriate measures to store it securely and provide access only to authorised personnel.


The purposes for which we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information

We may collect, hold, use and disclose the personal information in order to provide you with services, to respond to requests for support and maintenance and to make available new services. We may also provide you with information about our products and services, to assess and process warranty claims, to process and assess employment applications and, if you are a supplier, to acquire products and services from you and your company.


The personal or business information we collect from you will not be sold, traded, given, or rented to other firms or individuals.


If you are a customer or employee your personal information may be disclosed under a confidentiality undertaking as part of a business sale process.

We may disclose or use personal information for other reasons as permitted by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) including to investigate suspected unlawful activity and/or to lessen or prevent a serious threat to life, health or safety.


Consequences of not providing your personal information

If you do not provide us with the personal information that we request from you, we may be unable to provide you with services or information that you have requested.


Accessing and correcting personal information

You may request access to any personal information that we hold about you, and request that we correct any information that we hold about you (for example, information which is inaccurate or out of date) by contacting Privacy Officer, at Phone +61280208100. We will generally allow you to access and correct your personal information unless we have a reason not to do so and we are entitled to decline your request in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).


Complaining about our personal information handling practices

If you wish to make a complaint in relation to a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles, you can do so by contacting the Privacy Officer. We will use our best endeavours to investigate your complaint and respond to you within 30 days and may ask you for additional information in relation to that complaint. If you are not satisfied with the response that you receive from us, you can contact the Office of the Information Commissioner.



We may, from time to time, update or amend the terms of this Privacy Policy. The most up to date copy of this Privacy Policy will always be made available at Privacy and Legal Information.



Legal Figtree Systems is well placed to both acknowledge and adhere to global and local laws of commerce. We are well versed in compliance and regulatory issues and reporting.


The Safe Harbour Provision focuses on investment in a public firm, we think that it makes a good sense for any investment decision, like the purchase of a software solution to be supported by independent advice.


This web site includes statements which may constitute forward looking and comfort from the mention of partners, customers, and newly won business statements made pursuant to the safe harbour provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Although Figtree Systems believes the expectations contained in such forward looking statements and from the mention of clients, partners, and new business are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct.


This information may involve risk and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward looking statements. We are certainly willing to provide purchase guarantees, upon request.


The proprietary rights holder of all trademarks, registered marks, service marks, and copyright ownership is Figtree Systems Pty Limited with a registered office at level 12, 15 Castlereagh Street Sydney New South Wales 2000 Australia.


Figtree Systems GDPR Statement

In response to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) which comes into force on 25 May 2018, Figtree Systems states that it adheres to high standards of information security, privacy, and transparency.


Since receiving ISO/IEC 27001 certification in 2015 Figtree Systems has aligned its processes, policies, and procedures in accordance with ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management certification. Figtree Systems has an ISO/IEC based Internal Business Management system (IBMS) which is led by a regional Information Security Officer to ensure compliance.


Figtree Systems is committed to providing technology solutions to support our customers’ GDPR obligations, whether through standard features, value added solutions or consulting. Our experienced consultants and technicians will also help support customers in meeting their obligations through the provision of consulting services and the use and deployment of features in the software solution.


The company intends to work closely with our clients and our partners to fulfil its obligations under GDPR. We believe effective compliance is best achieved through shared responsibility between the company, its customers, and partners.


Our ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management certified hosted services and facilities, which many of our clients use, already conform to the security requirements of the GDPR.


Figtree Systems are developing features that will assist organisations to fulfil GDPR requirements of deleting and blanking information with minimal administrative effort.

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